Aftercare 101 – All you need to know to ensure you get the most from your Microblading • Brau


So you’re the proud new owner of a set of beautifully semi permanent microbladed brows, but what’s next? How do you ensure they stay looking their best, and what precautions should you take to prevent any pesky irritation? Your microblading aftercare period will last from 4-6 weeks and in this time, knowledge is wealth when it comes to taking care of your perfect new face framers.

Don’t Skip the Touch-Up:

A 4 week retouch is integral to your microblading journey and should not be skipped at all costs. Like all semi-permanent make up, the pigment needs time to settle into the skin and you may find that the colour will initially fade slightly as it penetrates the skin, or you may see some slight gaps where the pigment hasn’t taken. A top-up is therefore required around this time to ensure your brows are truly flawless and 100% as you want them. This is your opportunity to perhaps go a little darker and make any small changes after giving your skin time to heal and recover.


Stay away from the Scabs:

As tempting as it may be, hands off the scabs! These may begin to appear around day 3-5 along with some dryness which is perfectly normal and all part of the process. Avoid picking the area as you can remove the precisely pigmented hair strokes – and nobody wants that!


Don’t Sweat it:

For 7-10 days post-treatment, stay away from any heavy sports or activities that will make you sweat. This includes swimming, steamy showers, saunas, and Jacuzzis too. Minimising the sweat factor will in turn minimise any bacteria finding its way to your exposed tissues that can cause irritation and inhibit healing. It’s also important to note that when you are bathing or showering, try and keep your brow area out of direct contact with water. Wash your face carefully and avoid your microbladed area. To make this a little easier, it is worth investing in the revolutionary water resistant Brow Cap, convenient little shower caps especially for your brows during the healing process. Giving your brows the proper protection they deserve, you can shower safe in the knowledge your brows are as guarded as can be!

Scale back your Skincare:

If ever there was a time to activate skinimalism, now is it! For the first 7-10 days stay away from any cleansers that contain acids or exfoliants. Gently pat brows with a tissue and resist using any creams or ointments until they have fully healed. Say goodbye to any products that contain Retin-A or Glycolic Acid as they can affect the healing process and as tricky as it may feel (but it is totally worth it!), abstain from wearing any make up on the area too until fully healed.


Suns Out, Hide Out:

We live in a hot country, and it may feel virtually impossible to stay out of the sun, however, it is imperative to avoid excessive sun exposure wherever possible and not expose your brows to direct sunlight to help with the healing process for the first 7 days. We’d recommend being militant with your hats and sunglasses and staying as covered as possible – it’ll be worth the wait, we promise!


Bedside Manner Strong:

Use a clean pillowcase after your first microblading session to avoid contact with any beauty or skincare products that might have rubbed off onto your pillowcase. Keep hair back off your face so as not to let any hair rub against your new brows and try and sleep on your back if you can to stop your brows from rubbing against the bed or pillows. Add a little Rosehip or Coconut oil to each brow before drifting off to sleep.


Say No to Intensive Facial Treatments:

Say a firm no to any facials, Botox, chemical peels, and lasers for 4 weeks post-treatment. Treat yourself after your brows are fully healed – they will thank you for it and ensure longevity and all the brow perfection you desire.


Lastly, you know your own body and should follow your gut instinct if you experience any sort of fever, prolonged redness, swelling, tenderness, or discharge in your microbladed area. Your first port of call should be your Brow Artistwho can advise you on what to do next.